It was a rich and varied collection with each and every exit completely different to the one before it – so bulbous stripes led the way on dresses of asymmetric or off-the-shoulder style, followed by super-cinched tulle gowns heavily held at the waist by big gold belts, luxe skin tuxedos and tailoring, fancy-frilled maxi skirts, patchwork trousers and drapery with rich embroidery running throughout. And no look was complete without exotic chandelier earrings and hair piled up high to show it off to full effect. It was a collection layered with glamour and drama and plenty of sartorial narrative.
“It showed the range of Gaultier and it was very true to him – all of his favourites, the corsetry,” noted Vogue fashion director Lucinda Chambers. In fact, the only thing that was missing really was the blue and white stripy T-shirt (but we imagine we might see that in the ready-to-wear show).
But it was the end that made for a special high note – Gaultier sending out the traditional end-of-show wedding gown and from beneath all of its skirts hid four little children, all dressed in neon shades, who ran down the catwalk and clearly enjoyed every moment of doing so – the result of which got them a standing ovation. Couture stars in the making obviously.
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